Saturday, November 12

New Begining ?

بِسْـــــــــمِ اَللّهِ الرّحْمن الرّحيم 

Assalamualaikum wbt, it's been ages and as you can see I've already deleted my posts back in 2009 until 2015. It so hard for me because there are lots of memories that I've been sharing in my blog. But, I'm just too afraid to keep it here now. I deleted it without reading it because for sure I'm not going to be able to delete it if I read it at the first place. To be honest I feel like i'm crying. However, be strong ! I believe that I can continue with my Istiqomah.

Some might wondering why did I delete such precious nor sadful memories that I've been keeping it back in 7 years of my life ? Well, I did realise that not all things we can share it with others. Not everyone that going to understand my situation. " Well, it's your blog anyway. do whatever you want." This is actually what I want. Not to show the weakness or any of my stupidity to public but I try to stay strong and become someone who can share Allah SWT knowledge that Allah SWT lend it to me. 

When did I suddenly change ? Well, I've been trying to change to someone better since I was in high school. But, the enviroment of the place where I grew up make it kind of hard for me to keep to the right path. Somehow, it's just happen when I come to this medical college. Alhamdulillah. Is it a sudden change ? Not 100% but I'm actually trying. In Sha Allah.

Either we do it or not do it. People will keep judging or saying things. Let them be. But, at the same time. Tell them about how beautiful Islam is in our eyes. They might say that we are bluffering or they might say that we are "bajet alim. padahal dulu jahil juga kau." Well, better not to be jahil for the rest of our life right ? Ask forgiveness from Allah SWT. Always go back to Allah SWT if we find things have been hard and not to mention also when we feel bless or happy. Stay strong, stay Istiqomah ! May this new begining not going to fade and stay as it is.

-seketul ika-